Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014


Congratulations to the boys team and to Skylar, Alex and Katie for all making it to state.  GOOD LUCK!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Section 7AA Information

The bus will be leaving the high school at 11:30 for Princeton Thursday, October 23rd.

Race Schedule:
2:00 PM Boys Varsity
2:45 PM Girls Varsity

Princeton Golf Course, 301 Golf Course Rd Princeton, MN 55371

Take Hwy 169 to Rum River Dr, Right on S 6th St, Left on 4th Ave S, and Right on Golf Club Rd.

The clubhouse will be reserved for workers and team buses. There is a small overflow lot and city streets for spectators.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Year End Banquet

Forms will also be given out at Monday's practice
Andover Cross Country Banquet

When: Monday, November 3rd 6 pm – 9 pm

6:00 pm – 6:30 pm Social Time 

6:30 pm – Dinner served 

Program follows

Where: Bunker Hills Golf Course (Harvest Grill North and West rooms)


Includes Assorted Sodas, Milk and Colombian Coffee

Traditional Caesar Salad with Grated Parmesan Cheese & Croutons

Green Beans Amandine        

Roasted Baby Red Potatoes

Spaghetti with Meatballs

Pasta Primavera with Alfredo Sauce
Freshly Baked Garlic Bread Sticks
Assortment of Freshly Baked Cookies and Bars


Cost:    $18.00 per person  (runners are half price at $9.00/each)

Please return reservation card below to Brenda Schmitz 13895 Holly Street NW Andover, MN 55304 no later than Wednesday October 22nd. Please make check payable to Andover Cross Country.

Note: Money needs to be paid in advance and is non-refundable, Runner is half price

______ Yes, I will attend the Cross Country banquet on Monday, November 3rd

_______ No, I will not be attending the Cross Country Banquet

Runner Name: _____________________________ (Runner is half price at $9.00)

Total number attending _______ Amount enclosed ________

Guest(s) first name –Name Tags provided at the door ___________________,___________________,___________________

If you wish to donate to the coaches, please add to your check or send cash, suggested donation $5.00

Pictures from Conference Meet at Elk River October 9th

Conference Boys Var
Conference Extras and Awards
Conference Girls Var
Conference Boys JV
Conference Girls JV

Dundee Invitational Information

Since our section will not be running a JV race we will run in the Dundee Invitational this Tuesday at Central Park, Brooklyn Park. This is the dame site as the sophomore and under meet. We will not be running the varsity runners at this meet.

Location: Central Park, 8400 Regent Ave N, Brooklyn Park
Parking: There are lots on the east and west sides of the park, however the lot attached to the golf course is off limits. 
Race Order:  3:30 Girls JV
                       3:55 Boys JV

Note: Monday we will be voting on team awards. Wednesday practice will be at 3:00 PM and Thursday practice will be at 8:30 AM.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Conference Meet Information

Elk River Golf Club and Woodland Trails
Take Highway 10 to the west side of Elk River.  Travel north on Proctor Avenue also known as County Road 1.  Stay on County Road 1 until you get to Woodland Trails.
The majority of the parking will be on the Golf Course Driving Range and at Woodland Trails.  Overflow parking will occur in the adjacent neighborhood.

Race Schedule
3:30    Girls Varsity Race  (4,000 Meters)
4:10    Boys Varsity Race  (5,000 Meters)
4:40    Girls JV Race  (4,000 Meters)
5:10    Boys JV Race (5,000 Meters)
5:40    Junior High Race (3,000 Meters)
6:05    Awards Presentation

PASTA FEED Wednesday Oct 8th

Pasta feed at the Keller’s house
Wednesday, Oct. 8th, eat at 6:15 p.m.
14044 Orchid St. NW, Andover
Seniors please bring drinks (no pop)
Juniors please bring bread
Sophomores please bring salad/fruit/veggies
Freshmen, 7th & 8th please bring desserts
We will plan to eat inside.

Pictures from Blaine Meet on Oct 3rd

Blaine Boys Var
Blaine Girls Var

Addt'l Pictures from Milaca Meet on Sept 20th

Additional Milaca by Tom Brueckman

Friday, September 26, 2014

Booster Meeting

We will be holding a booster club meeting
on Tuesday Sept 30th at 700pm B107 AHS.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Pictures from Heggie's Pizza Sorting and Pick Up

2014 Heggies Pizza Sorting
Thank you to all the volunteers that helped last night to sort the pizzas.  A big thank you as well to all of the runners for remembering to stop by after practice and pick up pizzas so we did not have to try and track you down.  Could not have went any smoother!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Heggies Pizzas

Heggies Pizzas will be available for pick up this Thursday after practice in the cafeteria of the high school.

FMSC Pictures

Thank you to all who came out on Saturday Sept 13th for the FMSC event.
We had 52 runners and parents attend.
Feed My Starving Children

Pictures from Lakeville Meet on Sept 11th

Lakeville Photos
Lakeville Awards
Lakeville JV
Lakeville Girls Var
Lakeville Boys Var
Lakeville Girls JV
Lakeville Girls C
Lakeville Relaxation

Addt'l Pictures from Isanti Meet on Sept 5th

Additional Isanti photos by Tom Brueckman
Additional Isanti Boys Var
Additional Isanti Girls Var
Additional Isanti Boys JV
Additional Isanti girls JV

NWSC Meet T-Shirts

If you are interested in purchasing a t-shirt for the conference meet you can do so by going to the following site.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Feed My Starving Children Team Bonding Event

For those attending FMSC tonight it is the Coon Rapids location.
401 93rd Avenue NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433Phone:

Please remember no jewelry allowed and you have to have closed toed shoes.
We have a large group, should be fun.
See you tonight!

Monday, September 8, 2014



Wednesday Sept 10th



Toronto home 2236 151st Ave NW

Three blocks north of the high school


Items to be brought by runners

7th-9th grade    BREAD

10th  grade        DRINKS

11th grade        DESSERT

12th grade        SALAD

Booster Meeting

Please join us at 7pm on Tuesday Sept 9th
in room A107 AHS for a
Cross Country Booster meeting.

Pictures from Isanti Meet Sept 5th

Photos from Isanti:

Addt'l Photos from St. Cloud Meet

Apollo Additional Photos by Tom Brueckman: https://plus.google.com/photos/103132160627180007022/albums/6056313116036741601?authkey=CO-m0-_EwZvRAQ

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Lakeville (Applejack) Invitational Week

Note: This week we will be off site on Tuesday for practice at Rum River Central. This means we will pick up the middle school runners from Oak View. The buses will leave Andover HS at 2:45 and then proceed to Oak View. Below is some information for the Lakeville Invitationa.

Directions: Take Highway 50 exit. Turn Left (E) on 50.  Follow 50 east approximately 4 miles to Holyoke Ave. (fire station on NE corner).  Continue straight approximately 1/3 mile towards Aronson Park on the right— follow meet parking signs.

Parking: Parking at this meet is limited!!    PLEASE make every attempt to CARPOOL or expect to walk a distance.   Park in only approved areas  (East Parking Lot at Aronson, St. John's Church until full and  Lakeville City streets.    NO EVENT PARKING BEHIND CEMETERY OR HIGHVIEW HEIGHTS SENIOR LIVING FACILITY.  VEHICLES MAY BE TOWED from these locations if they are parked there.   Please respect all traffic police and parking volunteers, safety of our athletes and spectators is our top concern. 

Start Time
Max runners/ school
3:30 PM
Girls C  Race
3200 meters
No limit
3:55 PM
Boys C Race
3200 meters
No limit
4:15 PM
Middle School Girls Race
1 mile
No limit
4:25 PM
Middle School Boys Race
1 mile
No limit
4:35 PM
Girls Junior Varsity Race
4,000 meters
No limit
5:05 PM
Boys Varsity Race
5,000 meters
Up to 10 
5:35 PM
Girls Varsity Race
4,000 meters
Up to 10
6:05 PM
Boys Junior Varsity Race
5,000 meters
No limit
6:35 PM
Kids’ Fun Run   
500 m
No Limit

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Pictures from St. Cloud Meet

Please find below links for pictures from the St. Cloud meet.
Apollo Var Boys and Awards

Cambridge Meet on Friday Sept 5th

The meet will be held at the Isanti Middle School.
Directions: Take Hyw 65 north to County Rd 5 (there are lights).
Turn left and go west 1.2 miles on Co Rd 5.
The middle school is on the left.
Race Order: 4:15 start
1. 7-8 Boys  2400 meters
2. 7-8 Girls  2400 meters
3. Girls Varsity 4000 meters
4. JV Girls 4000 meters
5. Boys Varsity 5000 meters
6. JV Boys 5000 meters

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Heggie's Pizza Fund Raiser

Please note all Heggie's Pizza orders are due no later than Tuesday Sept 2nd.  Order will be placed Wednesday am of this week.  Thank you to all who have participated or donated for this fund raiser. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Heggies Pizza Fund Raiser

Please remember our Heggie's Pizza Fund Raiser is due Thursday August 28th.  Please turn in all order forms and money or a donation in lieu of ordering pizzas to Jane Schmitz.   If you do not have an order form and would like one please email me and I will send one to you.  schmi020@umn.edu

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Week Two 8/18

All practices begin at 8:30.

Monday - Andover HS
Tuesday - Andover HS*
Wednesday - Bunker Activity Center
Thursday - Bunker Activity Center
Friday - Andover HS

Two mile time trial. We will warm up at the high school and then proceed to Oak View MS for the time trial.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Cross Country Meet Schedule

August 11th - First Week Information

 First day of Practice is Monday, August 11th!
Parent Meeting is 7:00 PM Thursday, August 14th in the Cafeteria!

All practices will begin at 8:30 AM.

Monday – Andover HS bus doors
Tuesday – Andover HS bus doors
Wednesday – Bunker Park Activity Center
Thursday – Bunker Park Activity Center
Friday – Andover HS bus doors

The Team Time Trial is set for Tuesday, August 19th

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Last Week of Summer Camp

This has been a very good summer of training. For the last week we will be at Bunker Park each morning Monday through Thursday. Remember Thursday is the last day of the summer camp and from then on it will be captains practices. Make every effort to attend every day this week.

All Practices at Bunker
Monday - Begin the reaping, captains/coaches meeting
Tuesday - Final bench mark
Wednesday - Lazy River, weather permitting
Thursday - Hunger Games

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Booster Club Meeting

We will be having a booster club meeting this
Thursday July 24th at Carbiou Coffee
on Bunker Lake Blvd at 700pm.
Please join us as we discuss the upcoming 2014 season.

Booster Club Meeting

We will be having a CC booster club meeting this Thursday July 24th at 700pm at Caribou Coffee on Bunker Lake Blvd.  Please join us as we will be discussing the upcoming 2014 season

Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday, July 11th - Practice is cacelled

The practice for today is being cancelled due to rain. Things should clear up by this afternoon and make it possible to get in a nice run. Go for a long run this weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Practices for July 7th - July 11th

This week we will be at Bunker for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. For Tuesday and Thursday we will give Rum River Central park a try.

Rum River Central Directions: Take 7th Ave North past the turkey farm to the entrance at 179th Lane NW and turn right. Stay on the main park road and turn right at the stop sign. The road will end at the shelter and playground. We will meet in the parking lot.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Week Three - A Note to Captains

Here are some ideas for what would be good for this week. Keep in mind that unusual pain should be reported and monitored. All runners, and particularly first year runners, should make sure to do some shin exercises two to three times a week. Find a way to get two to three strength training sessions in along with two to three ab workouts.

Experienced runners should be looking to average over 60 minutes a day with one at or above 75 minutes and another two at or above 65 minutes.
Intermediate runners should be looking to average 55 to 60 minutes with one long run close to 70 minutes and two at or above 60 minutes.
Beginning runners should be moving toward averaging 45 minutes for the week. One run of 60 minutes and two between 45 and 55 minutes would be very good.

Every one should strive to find some hills to run with repeats that total 25 or more minutes.

One day should be devoted to a threshold run lasting 25 to 30 minutes, not including the warmup and cool down.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Practice Canceled Thursday 6/19

No practice today due to rain and possible thunderstorms

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Week Two - June 23rd

With the predicted rains for this week and the fact that Rum River Central park is currently underwater the practices scheduled there will be moved to the Anoka County Library near Anoka HS. The weeks schedule is below. Parking for Tuesday and Thursday will be in the north most parking lot at Anoka HS.

Monday: Bunker Activities Center
Tuesday: Anoka County Library - park at Anoka HS and meet on the soccer field
Wednesday: Bunker Activities Center
Thursday: Anoka County Library - park at Anoka HS and meet on the soccer field
Friday: Bunker Activities Center

Summer Practices - First Week

Due to the amount of water at Rum River Central park we will hold all practices this week at Bunker Park. Meet at the Activities Center.