Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sections Followup

Congratulations go out to all the runners for an outstanding Andover day. Additionally thank you to all the parents for your help and cheers during the meet, you do make a difference. Below you will find a link to the pictures that Jeff took at the meet and was kind enough to post. You may need to copy the link to your browser.

Another site to check out pictures is listed below. Mr. Bursaw attended the meet and has posted his photos for your enjoyment.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

State Meet Information

Race Times:
1:00 PM - Boys Lane 23
2:00 PM - Girls Lane 19

Friday the course is open for practice from 12:30 PM until 4:00 PM.

Friday Tentative Time Line:
7:45 - Pep Fest with Captains presentation
11:00 - Students dismissed from classes
11: 20 - Bus leaves for St. Olaf
12:45 - Arrive at St. Olaf and team practice
3:00 - Arrive at Hotel

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Section Meet Information

Thursday - October 28th
Anoka High School
3:30 Girls Varsity
4:00 Boys Varsity
4:30 Girls JV
4:35 Boys JV
5:15 Awards

Lane 13 - Andover

Bus: Pick-up from the high school at 1:45 and the middle school at 2:00

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Volunteers Needed for Conference/Section Meets

Andover needs to supply volunteers to help with running events (timing help among other things) at the Conference Meet @ Elk River Oct 13 and Section Meet @ Anoka Oct 28. There are 4 runs and 2 volunteers needed for each. It would work out great if girls parents helped at boy's races and vice versa. Please help if you can!

The first race starts at 3:30 so if you can be there before that time to help please let me know ( and/or report to race officials when you get there.

The Conference Meet is at the Elk River Country Club. Take Hwy 10 to Elk River and turn right on Proctor Ave / Cty 1. Stay on Cty 1 approx 2.6mi and the golf course will be on the right.

Click here for Bing Maps.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Team Building Event Oct 9th

Just bumping this up as a reminder!

Join the Cross Country teams as we hand pack meals at FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN on Saturday, October 9 from 2 - 4 pm. We will meet at the bus corral at Andover High School at 1:30 pm, then car pool to Feed My Starving Children in Coon Rapids (401 93rd Ave). This will be a great team effort to see how many thousands of meals we can pack in two hours. We will return to AHS by 4:45 ... hope you can all join us!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blaine Invitational Information

The bus leaves the high school at 2:40.

Andover boys and girls teams will run in the Blue division.

Race Times:
3:45 Boys White 5K 4:05 Girls White 4K
4:25 Boys Blue 5K 4:40 Girls Blue 4K
4:55 MS Boys 1.8K 5:05 MS Girls 1.8K
5:15 Boys JV 5K 5:35 Girls JV 4K

Teams and Lanes:
Boys Girls
1. Mpls South 1. Mahtomedi
2. North St Paul 2. North St Paul
3. St Francis 3. Hopkins
4. Totino-Grace 4. Tartan
5. Woodbury 5. Woodbury
6. Blaine 6. Andover
7. Andover 7. Coon Rapids
8. Coon Rapids 8. Forest Lake
9. Hill-Murray 9. Henry Sibley
10. Mahtomedi 10. Maranatha Christian
11. Mounds Park Acad. 11. Park Center
12. River Falls 12. St Francis
13. Tartan 13. Totino-Grace
14. White Bear Lake 14. Mpls South
15. Mpls SW 15. East Ridge
16. St Thomas Acad. 16. Hill-Murray
17. Forest Lake 17. River Falls
18. Hopkins

Friday, October 1, 2010

Buffalo Results

If you would like to see the results from the Buffalo Invitational the site to visit is below. Once at the home page click view results and then select Cross-Country/Nordic Skiing. Another option will appear asking for the event you wish to view. Finally you can pick from the different races.

If watching a video of the meet is more to your liking, check out this site.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Directions to Buffalo Meet

The Buffalo Invitational is held at the Buffalo Heights Golf Course in Buffalo, MN. If you are coming from Andover follow Hwy 10 West to Big Lake, then Hwy 25 South to Buffalo. Hwy 25 goes right past the east side of the golf course. Parking is scattered around the course. With wide shoulders on Hwy 25 there is usually ample parking along the road. Click here for google maps.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Team Building Event - Oct 9th

Join the Cross Country teams as we hand pack meals at FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN on Saturday, October 9 from 2 - 4 pm. We will meet at the bus corral at Andover High School at 1:30 pm, then car pool to Feed My Starving Children in Coon Rapids (401 93rd Ave). This will be a great team effort to see how many thousands of meals we can pack in two hours. We will return to AHS by 4:45 ... hope you can all join us!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Buffalo Invitational Info

The team will be stopping at a fast food restaurant before returning from Buffalo. The bus will leave Oak View at 1:15 and Andover HS at 1:30. The high school runners will be dismissed at 1:15.

Race Time Dist
B-JH 4:00 PM 3200 meters
G-JH 4:10 PM 3200 meters
G-V 4:30 PM 4000 meters
B-V 4:55 PM 5000 meters
G-JV 5:25 PM 4000 meters
B-JV 5:45 PM 5000 meters

Female Teams
1) Andover
2) Armstrong
3) Benilde-St Margaret
4) Big Lake
5) Buffalo
6) Cambridge-Isanti
7) Centennial
8) Cooper
9) Delano
10) Minnetonka Girls
11) North St Paul
12) Osseo
13) Providence Academy
14) Rogers
15) St Francis
16) STMA

Male Teams
1) Andover
2) Armstrong
3) Big Lake
4) Buffalo
5) Cambridge-Isanti
6) Centennial
7) Cooper
8) Delano
9) Monticello
10) North St Paul
11) Osseo
12) Providence Academy
13) Rogers
14) St Francis
15) STMA

Friday, September 24, 2010

Milaca Meet Info

The Milaca meet on Sat Sept 25 is held in Milaca MN (click here for google maps directions) at the Milaca golf club. Take Hwy 169 North to Milaca (about 30 miles north of Elk River). Turn west on Hwy 23 into Milaca. Turn right on Central Ave. Follow Central Ave north and you will find parking along the way. You will find the road blocked off for the meet.

If you have food or beverages for runners at the meet you may bring them to the bus at Andover HS Saturday morning at 7am, or come to the meet and bring them yourself.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sophomore & Under Meet Info - Sept. 20th

Date: Monday, Sept. 20th
Location: Central Park
8400 Regent Ave. N
Brooklyn Park

4:15 7th & 8th Boys 1 mile
4:35 7th & 8th Girls 1 mile
4:55 9th & 10th Boys 2 mile
5:20 9th & 10th Girls 2 mile

Take Hyw 610 to Noble Ave exit. Go South on Noble to 85th Ave. and turn right. The park will be on your left with Regent Ave. the next street. Turn left onto Regent Ave. and then left into the parking lot.

Bus pick-up at the high school will be at 2:40 and the middle school at 2:30.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Booster Meeting 9/14

Our next Booster Club meeting is tomorrow (Tues) at 7PM. Room A104 at Andover HS. We will mainly be planning for the season-ending banquet.

Lakeville Meet 9/17/2010

Here are the start times for the meet:

4:20 PM Middle School Race 1 mile
4:35 PM Girls JV Race 4,000 meters
5:05 PM Boys Varsity Race 5,000 meters
5:35 PM Girls Varsity Race 4,000 meters
6:05 PM Boys JV Race 5,000 meters
6:45 PM Awards Ceremony

There are races that begin at 3:30 and we will need to be on site prior to their start. As a result the bus will leave the high school at 2:00 and the middle school at 1:50. Please notify your teachers of your early departure.

Directions to Aronson Park:
First, take Interstate 35 to the Lakeville area. Then take the Highway 50 exit. Turn Left (E) on 50. Follow 50 east approximately 4 miles to Holyoke Avenue (fire station on NE corner). Continue straight approximately 1/3 mile towards Aronson Park on the right— follow meet parking signs.

Note: There will be nearly 2000 runners at the meet so know your start time and be aware of the choke points on the course.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fundraiser Update

Our fundraiser participation has been about 60%..... so, assuming some of you have not gotten the message and still have orders to turn in, we are holding onto orders until next Tues 9/14. Please take a moment and fulfill your commitment to the team. Thanks!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Cambridge-Isanti Invitational Thurs. Sept. 9th

Order of Events:
4:15 7-8 Boys 2400 meters
4:?? 7-8 Girls 2400 meters
4:?? Girls Varsity 4000 meters
?:?? JV Girls 4000 meters
5:?? Boys Varsity 5000 meters
5:?? JV Boys 5000 meters

Andover, Becker, Blaine, Cambridge-Isanti, Centennial, Chisago Lakes, Forest Lake, Minneapolis Patrick Henry, Princeton, St. Francis

Grandy Nine Golf Course
Directions: Go north on Hwy 65 past Cambridge and through Grandy.
Take left at 6. Grandy 9 is a little less than 3 miles on the left.
Watch for sign and follow gravel road to course. DIRECTIONS CAN ALSO BE FOUND AT:

Last year this site was very buggy, bring spray and long sleeves.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Early Bird Meet 8/27

Here is some information on the meet this Friday at Elm Creek, a new location for this meet.

7:15 Bus leaves Andover HS
9:00 Boys Varsity 5k
9:30 Girls Varsity 4k
9:55 Boys JV and Jr High 2500 m
10:20 Girls JV and Jr High 2000 m

Races start after previous race ends.

Medals to top 10 finishers

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2010 Lettering Requirements

Here are the requirements for the 2010 season.